Tuesday, March 01, 2005


I have noticed a disturbing trend at MTSU- military recruitment on campus. I noticed it one day after class. As I was walking to the cafeteria to grab some "rations," I saw a Marine talking to a student. He was obviously a recruiter. Then I saw 5 or 6 of the ROTC guys dressed in camo on my way up to the steps to the "chow line." I grabbed some healthy pizza (I'm trying to gain some more weight), and sat down and what did I see in front of me: an advertisement for the National Gaurd (do they still gaurd the nation). What'a going on around here I asked myself?

I asked my students about this. When I asked how many had been contacted by a recruiter on the phone all raised their hands. A few students are getting calls asking them "hows college going?" As in (ARE YOU READY TO DROP OUT AND JOIN US?) These aren't kids looking for direction, they are college students. Why does no one care about this? Well I shouldn't say no one he is a link and a picture of students in Seattle running a recruiter out of the building!


Good for them. I'm sure the recruiters don't tell them of the wonderful death they may encounter, or the thrill of watching children die or loose arms and legs. Or the fact that they are being used as pawns for the filthy rich to get filthier. Or that rich kids somehow escape duty. Or there parents that all they will get when they die is a flag folded in the shape of a triangle. Or that when they get out they will only be prepared for as my friend who was in the Navy said "I only know how to blow #$#% up."

Moreover, colleges do not have to let them come to campus:


I asked some of my collegues about this and they look at me like I am on crack. "It's the students responsibility to know what the truth behind recruiting is," one person told me. These are the same people who complain that our Freshman can't read the syllabus on their own, or come to class, or keep a deadline. How is a 19 year old supposed to deal with someone who is learned in deception? How are they supposed to know what to do with their lives? Half of them can't even decide on a major. This is OK, this is what college is for: to learn about yourself. Another avocated that lying was the only way to get them to join. Huh? Where is this so-called Liberal prescence in the academy? What happend to the 60's and 70's where Professors used grade inflation to save the lives of 18 and 19 year olds?

If anyone has any info on what can be done about this let me know.

Until then Military out of MTSU!



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